THE early morning noises and sights, like the rest of the 21st century technological society, has succumbed to changes.

In many respects York is the king of cities because of its unique history and the fantastically preserved ancient monuments.

The whole of the city must be kept in pristine condition and I must commend the city council for doing such a marvellous job. The Street Scene vans are in action as the sun rises and the busy refuse collectors and street cleaners are active in maintaining a high standard of litter-free streets and parks.

It is not that long ago when the daily milk float trugged along the streets. These trolleys are now all but obsolete, hence a void in the morning scene.

The other very welcome early morning delivery has suddenly disappeared, and I refer to the Royal Mail. I am sure a lot of people find the postal service highly commendable, probably the best in the world. Quite suddenly, the delivery times have become erratic, the mail being delivered anytime of the day.

The early morning postman was our very welcome friend and part of the English constitution. I do so miss being greeted by the mail on waking up, don't you?

Berenice Gardein,

Third Avenue,



Updated: 11:01 Saturday, April 10, 2004