YORK has many restaurants, cafs and fast food outlets but during the Second World War residents and visitors were grateful for the excellent British Restaurant meals.

Most of these meals would have been prepared, cooked and served by local women.

The national memorial to commemorate the women who carried out the myriad of wartime tasks is thankfully on stream and the efforts of the York British Restaurant women must not be forgotten.

I had a meal there - with 54 classmates - in 1944/5 but have never been able to locate it on subsequent visits to York.

So where was York's British Restaurant situated? What year did it start and when did it close? What were the prices and what was on the menu?

If the site and staff could be identified, an appropriate plaque could be arranged at my expense.

Any other details on the York and other North Yorkshire British Restaurants would be gratefully received.

George Stephenson,

New Bungalow,

Wadworth Hall Lane,

Wadworth, Doncaster,

DN11 9BH.


Updated: 11:28 Wednesday, May 05, 2004