More than 130 secondary school pupils were today attending an Enterprise In Action event at Fulford School, York.

It was the start of a two day programme organised by Young Enterprise Yorkshire and Humber to help young people to develop their entrepreneurial skills.

The youngsters were challenged to come up with an imaginary product and then to produce a business plan which includes research, pricing production and marketing.

The result was the formation of 22 "companies", each competing to win the best overall venture in a competition sponsored by Nestl.

Each member of the winning managerial team will a get a commemorative shield.

Ashleigh McMillan, development manager for North Yorkshire Young Enterprise, said: "The business community has really got involved.

"The youngsters are receiving fantastic advice from the likes of York, Selby and Malton Business Advice Centre, from York research and marketing agency Questions Answered, from York LiveWire winners, the photographic company Liquid Images, and HSBC Bank in Parliament Street.

"All of the pupils - 120 from Fulford School and 11 from nearby Fulford Cross - are finding it a challenging and rewarding experience.

"It is a pilot scheme and the first of its kind in Yorkshire."

Updated: 11:03 Tuesday, May 18, 2004