SO Ann Reid, Executive Member for Planning and Transport, says: "There isn't the doom and gloom that the Evening Press has been saying" (June 4).

Correct in a way, this paper is not large enough to fully convey the doom, gloom, despair, disillusion and sheer anger felt by York residents at the performance of this council.

Councillor Reid, you were elected like many of your colleagues to provide a change in direction, all you have done in the last 12 months is pursue the same unpopular over-development strategy and lunatic transport policies as the previous set of clowns and in addition introduce anti-resident and anti-business parking charges. Do you seriously expect to receive favourable comment?

You may also care to reflect that 60 years ago thousands of men lost their lives fighting to defend freedoms that we take for granted, of which 'freedom of the press' is one.

I am glad this paper with its editorial stood up to your implied attack on its reporting, after all, Coun Reid - don't shoot the messenger.

M Warters,

Yew Tree Mews,

Osbaldwick Village,


Updated: 12:05 Monday, June 14, 2004