I WAS surprised to read the letter from LG Arnott and the scurrilous remarks it contained about the European Union ("Reality of the EU", June 23) - and surprised the Evening Press published it. While I appreciate that people have a perfect right to criticise, Mr Arnott made no attempt to justify his serious allegations against the EU.

I challenge him to bring forward evidence to corroborate his accusations of sleaze and corruption.

F Latham,

Manor Beeches,

Dunnington, York.

...IN response to Mr Hill's letter ("Tired of Tony", June 24), yes, we are tired of Mr Blair, tired of his empty promises and spin, tired of a Government with such an opportunity for change continuously failing to deliver.

But can we say he is ignoring the electorate on Europe when the substantial majority of people who voted did so for a party which supports the European concept in one way or another?

Yes, Mr Blair took us to war against the majority of British people's wishes, but I believe most British people still see the benefits of the European Union, and will vote accordingly at the next General Election.

Coun Tom Holvey,

Liberal Democrat councillor for Dringhouses and Woodthorpe,

Houndsway, York.

Updated: 10:55 Monday, June 28, 2004