ABOLISH the parish council (Evening Press, June 24)? You can not be serious!

The Osbaldwick Parish Council represents a much-needed grass-roots level of democracy and represents more than good value for the small amount of taxation.

Hand those powers over to the City of York Council?

Hand over the responsibilities to the authority that pushes hard for out-of-control urban development, such as Coppergate, Campus 3, Derwenthorpe, Germany Beck, the Barbican redevelopment?

Hand over the responsibilities to the very authority that is crippling trade through risible car-parking charges that have recently earned it unenviable comparison with Dick Turpin?

I find it telling that the City of York Council felt it necessary to look into six letters from residents that were personally motivated to instigate abolition of the Osbaldwick Parish Council.

I find it even more telling that the City of York Council felt it not necessary to act on the petition submitted by the parish council and signed by 1,000 Osbaldwick residents "calling in" the outline planning application of the Derwenthorpe development.

Osbaldwick Parish Council does not need reviewing, but the City of York Council does!

Oliver Starzynski,

Murton Way,


...HAVING read the Lib Dems' Focus newsletter for Hull Road ward I note their plans for low cost housing such as the proposed Derwenthorpe development at Osbaldwick.

But what they don't tell us is if this should go ahead it will mean misery for the local residents. In Temple Avenue our nice grass verges will be ripped up to provide off-street parking for clear access on to the site at the end of the avenue.

This site is ancient meadowland rich in wildlife including protected species and should be designated as a nature reserve. What will happen to all of the wildlife if and when the bulldozers come in? What will happen to the ancient hedgerows and wild flowers?

They will all be destroyed along with our heritage. Add to this 500-plus extra vehicles to block the surrounding roads and the possibility of flooding and you have an impending disaster.

This is not scaremongering but a reality.

R Peel,

Temple Avenue,


Updated: 10:03 Tuesday, June 29, 2004