INTERESTING plans are proposed for Monks Cross as outlined in your paper ('More land opened up for new offices', August 2).

I examined the picture with great interest, looking in vain for the large numbers of cars parked on both sides of the road outside the Norwich Union site. It must have been taken at a weekend because they were absent.

I also looked for some reference to the inclusion of substantial parking facilities in the proposed development but, again, no mention. Is this an oversight by the planners?

When the powers-that-be signed up Norwich Union was no mention made of the fact that the many hundreds of workers would require several hundred parking spaces? Or was it tacitly taken for granted that it would be a free-for-all on any available spaces on the road or on the parking facilities of the retail units near by?

Is it too much to expect that future development will try to rectify the present chaotic scene? As I passed recently there were more than 60 cars on the roadside plus many others parked for the day on the properties of other businesses.

I realise planning is not a strong point of our council but it should have been obvious, even to them, that employees in large numbers need parking spaces in equally large numbers, especially for call centres. This should be ensured before occupation and not left to the enterprise of the individual employees.

Will future plans include parking or must all employees of future companies use the new Park and Ride?

Charles Rushton,

Pasture Close,

Strensall, York.

Updated: 11:15 Thursday, August 05, 2004