YORK City boss Chris Brass has admitted that the cancellation of tomorrow night's friendly against Newcastle United could effect the futures of the four trialists at Bootham Crescent.

Goalkeeper Paul Crichton, midfielder Gerry Harrison and strikers Jonny Rowan and Sinisa Savic are all waiting for decisions from Brass after spending pre-season with the Minstermen.

Crichton remains Brass' main target but, with an estimated £10,000 due to be lost in revenue after the Magpies' match was called off, the City boss might only be able to offer short-term contracts while the club assesses its financial situation after early season gate receipts.

The City boss said: "We are trying to come to an agreement with Paul Crichton. He's shown what I have expected of him.

"I've played with him before, as have a few of the other lads, and he's also impressed me in the way he's looked after the three younger keepers at the club with some coaching. Unfortunately, losing the Newcastle game will effect finances which, ultimately, could cost us one of the trialists and we might have to do short-term deals and wait a couple of weeks into the season to see what crowds are coming in before doing anything else.

"Jonny Rowan is at that stage where he's a maybe. He's aware of that and I wanted to see him against more quality opposition but we will continue to monitor him. Gerry Harrison and Sinisa Savic both need to get fitter before we can make decisions."

Brass added that he first thought he was the victim of a hoax when he was told Newcastle wanted to call City's final pre-season friendly off because of a contagious eye infection.

The Minstermen manager has since tried to arrange another friendly but will probably now settle for an in-house match instead.

Newcastle have also promised to play City at a later date.

Brass said: "The cancellation is disappointing and frustrating but you can't do anything about it and they have agreed to play us at a later date possibly next pre-season or maybe during an international weekend or one when we don't have a fixture. I've tried to speak to one or two other clubs but, with the league starting on Saturday, it's not been possible to do anything.

"We considered playing a local non-League club but we may just have to play an in-house game as it is difficult to re-arrange stewarding and other things at such short notice. It's not the end of the world that we have not got another game before the start of the season."

Updated: 10:49 Thursday, August 05, 2004