YOUR correspondent Joe Watkinson (August 12) has clearly misunderstood the point I was making in my previous letter (August 6). No doubt he is correct in stating that the Elmley Moor transmitter beams strong digital signals, but these are inadequate in Strensall.

Before buying a digital Freeview receiver I was able to receive excellent analogue pictures and still do from my aerial directed to Emley Moor, and could also enjoy the luxury of good pictures received from Bilsdale without an aerial. However, my "Yorkshire" aerial was unable to receive digital signals, the picture and the sound constantly broke up and I had to have a wideband aerial fitted pointing to Bilsdale to obtain acceptable reception.

I wonder, therefore, if anyone in the York area is receiving digital signals from Emley Moor and I repeat my original question, what happens when the analogue signal is switched off?

Peter Braithwaite,


Strensall, York.

Updated: 11:33 Monday, August 16, 2004