IN response to Jo Haywood's article, and to misquote George Bernard Shaw, "to have one noisy child is unfortunate, to have an endless stream of them is a nightmare."

Ms Haywood admits her "invisible child" is loud which may be endearing in one's own singular offspring, but for those of us who work in the public arena, an endless cadre of loud, rude, bad-mannered children is far from charming.

I am a mature student and this summer I am working on a stall in York that provides refreshment to passers-by.

The children who smile, say "please" and "thank you" and who ask their parents politely for a treat are as rare and as welcome as this summer's sunshine.

It is not that adults are ignoring your "grotty little monster", Ms Haywood, it's just that after several weeks of listening to the endless baying of their demanding, dominating and aggressive pipings, we have blissfully learned to tune them out.

Susan Goundrey-Kruse,

Carnot Street,


Updated: 11:22 Wednesday, August 18, 2004