YORK City's board will face supporters questions at the Bootham Crescent Social Club on Thursday night.

All the Minstermen's directors will attend a Fans' Forum, organised by the York Minstermen and starting at 7.30pm.

The bar will be open from 7pm and manned voluntarily by York Minstermen members.

City supporter David Craven, who has lived in Bolton for 26 years, is also planning a meeting on the same night for fans based in the North-West at the Pig & Porcupine in Deansgate, Manchester.

Craven is hoping to set up a North-West Minstermen group and the meeting is designed to judge interest and discuss the role of the new fans' organisation.

Anybody wanting further details can ring David on 07980 850199 or e-mail nwmm@ycafcsc.net

Yesterday's reserve game against Notts County was postponed because the Bootham Crescent pitch was waterlogged.

That denied player-manager Chris Brass the chance to look at any players pressing for a first team place at Gravesend this Saturday.

Updated: 10:59 Tuesday, August 24, 2004