I READ the article 'Phone mast laws backed' (Evening Press, August 21).

Myself and other people in Mill Lane are protesting about a 30-metre phone mast being proposed behind our homes and on a proposed development of a former gas site on Heworth Green.

The Evening Press carried a report of a protest when a mast was placed next to the gasometer after the gas people placed notice of intention in Leeds-based newspapers.

Nice move, because we in our area buy the Evening Press so no objection was raised at the time. The first we knew of this mast was when it was built.

The revised plans involve moving the mast approximately 100 feet east to behind our homes, but still on an important housing development.

How can this happen? Spaces sub-let to phone companies spread radiation yet the plan shows apartments next to the proposed site of this mast.

R Allison,

Hawthorn Grove,



Updated: 09:52 Wednesday, August 25, 2004