I AM much impressed by a new CD, Less Than Nothing, from a young York singer, Holly Taymar.

Holly, 18, has a fresh-sounding voice on a programme of new songs written by York sisters Lisa-Marie Baker and Catherine Cowan.

I will be reviewing Less Than Nothing in more detail soon and looking forward to hearing Holly on the York jazz circuit.

From the premier league of jazz singers comes Lee Gibson, to Wakefield Jazz tonight (10th) with a terrific backing band. As a vocals tutor at London's Guildhall School, Lee can call on Britain's top musicians and tonight's band includes star trombonist Mark Nightingale. Details from 01977 680542.

There are more vocal goodies at the Cleethorpes Beachcomber Jazz Weekend, which begins tonight with your chance to hear the magical voice of Jacqui Dankworth, yes, she of the famous British jazz family. Jacqui is book-ended on the same bill by two star guitarists, Pat McCarthy and Martin Taylor, all at the bargain price of £15.

Tomorrow's (11th) programme includes the Naadia Sheriff Quartet, Don Weller, Clare Teal and Dennis Rollins Badbone & Co. Sunday's closing bill has Stan Tracey, Andy Sheppard and the Alan Barnes/Bruce Adams Quintet with Liz Fletcher.

For more details call the Beachcomber on 01472 812666, Cleethorpes Tourist Information on 01472 323111, or Caxton box office on 01472 346251.

The third vocal choice for tonight is Kiki Dee, in an intimate and acoustic format at the Hull Truck Theatre with guitarist Carmelo Luggeri. Call 01482 323638 for more details of this special Hull J Night presentation.

The talented Leeds-born trumpeter/vocalist Enrico Tomasso is the main attraction in Jeff Barnard's British Band, tomorrow night at Jazz in the Spa. The venue is the Trustee's Hall, High Street, Boston Spa. More details from 01937 842544.

The younger generation of York jazz musicians can be seen and heard at the two weekly jam sessions at the Black Swan, Peasholme Green, one of York's oldest music pubs. Sundays nights are co-organised by James Lancaster and Wednesdays by Karl Mullen and between them they corral more cool talent as you can shake a flugelhorn at.

Karl joins with his partner Nina Zagorski on Monday night (13th) to transpose into Fine and Mellow at the Rook and Gaskill, Lawrence Street.

Tuesday is Scarborough Jazz at Scholars night and this week The Heavy Horns open up the Scarborough Jazz Festival Fringe. Three of the regions finest saxophone players, Stuart McDonald, Rod Mason and Jim Corry, will erupt at Scholars with the Mike Gordon Trio. For more information, call Mike on 01723 379818.

The Jazz Festival Fringe continues with Frank Brooker (Wednesday), Hannah Merriden (Thursday) and Candid Records star Nelli Rees (Friday).

The festival proper kicks in on Friday, with the Bourbon Tequila Salsa Jazz Band and Dancers in the Spa Complex. Also on the bill is new Universal Jazz star Gwyneth Herbert and Dennis Rollins Badbone & Co. For more details call the box office on 01723 376774/357869.

Jools Slater's Jazz in the Sticks project continues on Thursday (16th) at the Farmer's Inn, Brafferton, Helperby with the piano and saxophone duo Ventura.

Paul Kind, keyboard player with the Modest Jazz Quartet, shares a connection with Earl "Fatha" Hines, who started out playing cornet with his home town brass band and finished up as a world-class piano player. Paul doubles as a B-flat bass player with the Shepherd Building Group Brass Band.

Shepherd's is appearing as the "house band" in York Theatre Royal's production of Brassed Off, which runs until September 25. Paul is the balding beardy with the big tuba.

Speaking of runs, the day after the show closes, Paul will be off to Newcastle to take part in the Great North Run, the world's largest half-marathon, before crawling back to York for the MJQ's gig at the Three -Legged Mare (Sunday, September 26).

I suppose you can still play the piano on your knees, Paul.

Updated: 15:29 Thursday, September 09, 2004