HAVE you ever wondered why ASBOs, (anti social behaviour orders), hailed the other week as the answer to Britain's epidemic of yobbishness by Tony Blair (September 1) don't work?

It costs on average £5,300 to take out an order and they the yobs are just sticking two fingers up at the system.

There is a growing army of yobs, safe in the knowledge that appalling criminal behaviour will continue to go unpunished, unless something is done to rectify it.

Years ago Borstal and attendance centres were the solutions for far less serious crimes than are committed by today's yobs.

Bring back those places of punishment - and conscription - and let the yobs experience what they deal out to the old and vulnerable.

Colin Henson,

Moorcroft Road,

Woodthorpe, York.

Updated: 10:08 Thursday, September 16, 2004