I WRITE in response to Mr McCabe's letter "Clean up our mess" (September 27).

City of York Council's street environment service dedicates much time to tackling the problems of household waste in plastic sacks being put out prior to the day of collection. This causes obstructions, detracts from the general environment, and gives rise to about 150 complaints each month.

The street environment officers visit problem areas, including Vyner Street, write to residents and monitor compliance after collection day.

A suggested enforcement policy is being put to councillors on October 13 to try to address the problem.

The York Pride Action Line handles more then 3,000 calls a month and staff work hard to ensure that customers needs are met.

It is a disappointment to us all when a customer is dissatisfied and we aim to learn from any mistakes.

Having spoken with Mr McCabe, this particular complaint is being investigated to identify where improvements can be made.

Andy Hudson,

Assistant director of environment and neighbourhoods,

St Leonard's Place,


Updated: 09:42 Saturday, October 02, 2004