A YORK fishmonger netted a 10ft-long sail fish to mark the launch of National Seafood Week.

Cross of York, in Newgate Market, took delivery of the exotic catch yesterday and was quickly selling sail fish steaks to restaurants across the city.

Shoppers were also able to buy the unusual steaks, costing about £3 each, throughout the day from the market stall.

The fish weighed in at about 30 kilograms, or four- and-a-half stones, and was caught off the coast of Senegal, West Africa.

Fishmonger Andrew Kenny said: "We always want to bring different fish in and sail fish is not common to our waters. Lots of people are going on holiday and acquiring a more cosmopolitan taste and we are finding there's an ever-increasing demand for fish of different species."

Cross of York usually sells species such as haddock, cod, plaice, lemon sole and monkfish that are caught off the east coast of Britain, as well as more unusual varieties when available.

Mr Kenny said sail fish can be cooked in the same way as swordfish, but had a taste unlike other species.

The delivery came as the fourth National Seafood Week was launched. Organised by the Sea Fish Industry Authority (Seafish), the celebration promotes the health benefits of eating seafood as well as demonstrating the variety available.

Recipes and information are available at www.seafoodweek.co.uk.

Updated: 09:09 Saturday, October 02, 2004