ON behalf of Viva!, who supplied him with the information, I'd like to thank Mike Bentley for publicising the fact that the average meat eater could prevent the violent deaths of 4,000 animals by turning vegetarian (Saturday soundoff, October 23).

Of course, he did so in order to mock vegetarianism and then denigrate the animal rights movement but compassionate people will still have learned that they can make a huge difference to animal suffering by changing their diets.

Sadly, the rest of his piece was just too full of fallacies and prejudice for Viva! to be able to answer all his foolish arguments here.

It is important, however, to address the implied link Mr Bentley makes between vegetarianism and events at the Newchurch guinea pig farm. Viva! is an entirely peaceful and legal organisation which - like all right-thinking people - deplores the desecration of a grave which took place at Newchurch.

We would like to remind readers, however, that there is at present no evidence whatsoever linking this dreadful event to the animal rights movement.

Mr Bentley's attempt to smear by association vegetarians and all those who choose to avoid cruelty to animals is profoundly insulting.

Vegetarianism is about compassion, taking responsibility for your actions and reducing the burden of suffering in this world. If Mike Bentley thinks that those values and the people who hold them are fair game for a cheap shot, that's more his problem than ours.

Alistair Currie,

Senior campaigner,


York Court,

Wilder Street, Bristol.

Updated: 10:51 Monday, November 01, 2004