THE planning application for the further development of Connaught Court in Fulford is set to go before the planning committee on December 23.

The application is in outline form only and involves establishing whether the principle of a 38-bed care home, residential development and relocating the bowling green within the site is acceptable or not in planning terms.

I would like to express my full support for the local community's efforts in objecting to the proposed Connaught Court development.

Following so much concern in the local area, it is my intention to speak against the application at the planning committee.

The issues I have been raising on behalf of residents include the traffic and access implications of the development on to St. Oswald's and surrounding roads; whether the development of Connaught Court will meet the care needs of elderly and frail people already living within the city of York; the negative impact on the quality of life of nearby residents; and the potential implications for the nearby conservation area.

Can I take this opportunity to urge residents in Fulford who have strong feelings on this development to contact me and/or make sure their voices are heard on this proposed development?

Councillor Keith Aspden,

Liberal Democrat,

Fulford Ward,

Beckfield Lane, York.

Updated: 09:18 Tuesday, November 02, 2004