WITH reference to Charles Hunt's letter (November 25), we are not quite sure as to the point he is trying to make regarding the shoebox appeal launched by Operation Christmas Child some years ago now.

However, considering the appeal's growing support year after year, its success speaks for itself.

Thousands of people, Christian and non-Christian, fill these shoeboxes knowing that they will fill children's hearts with joy.

Many of these children have no parents, some live in sewers. The fact that children and parents alike are unable to read makes nonsense of the evangelism claims of Mr Hunt, in fact any religious content such as crosses are removed, along with any war toys.

It also does not matter what, if any, religious background these families are from, all are treated with the same love and care.

Obviously, Mr Hunt fails to realise that OCC does in fact support year-round projects such as sponsoring a family, water filters, aid to disaster zones and summer camps for children.

For us, it is satisfaction alone that these children will benefit from gifts that are not only toys but some basic items such as toothpaste, hats, scarves and gloves. Not only have our children been humbled putting them together, it has also shown them the true meaning of Christmas.

S & R Taylor,

Thorpe Willoughby, Selby.

Updated: 09:18 Tuesday, November 30, 2004