SOME dog owners are so irresponsible. Every day I have to look at a pile of dog dirt that a pet owner has not cleaned up.

Often a dog is allowed to do its business right outside my garden gate, then the owner walks away and leaves it.

If people want to own a dog they should know the responsibility of cleaning up after their pets.

Do they not realise the dangers if a child accidentally slips in it and gets it on his or her hands?

Most of the dog owners in our area clean up their dog mess, but whoever it is that is allowing their pet to use our garden gate as a toilet will be caught.

I don't see why the council or me and my husband should go out and remove and disinfect the path nearly every day.

This matter has been reported to York Pride who now kindly come and remove the mess.

Mrs S Hogarth,

Ashton Avenue,

Clifton, York.

Updated: 09:42 Thursday, December 23, 2004