I SYMPATHISE with Mrs M Pierotti (Letters, January 7), having sustained a bruised foot during the loading of a third buggy.

But I would also point out to First York that in the event of the bus making an emergency stop, a buggy standing in the aisle would have been propelled forward (whether its brake had been applied, or not), to the detriment of the occupant, and those passengers standing forward of the buggy.

Their injuries may not have been limited to bruising!

The subject of standing passengers should be addressed by First (and possibly the Health and Safety Executive). I was a passenger on a Park & Ride bus, travelling from Piccadilly to Grimston Bar just before Christmas, and counted 22 standing passengers, of whom two were children.

I hate to think of the outcome had the driver had to make an emergency stop. Several ambulances full, I suspect.

J Richmond,

Eastfield Court,


Updated: 10:44 Tuesday, January 11, 2005