York City are urging minority shareholders to donate their shares in Bootham Crescent Holdings back to the Minstermen.

The plea comes after the club regained control of the ground from BCH yesterday and dedicated City fan Dr Donald Fearnley left his 100 shares to the club in his will.

Dr Fearnley, who died in October 2003, was a Bootham Crescent season ticket holder for about half a century.

He was chairman of two charities, governor of three schools, honorary treasurer and doctor at York University, as well as being a director of York Waterworks and head of group management services at Rowntree Mackintosh, later Nestl.

The club are now looking for other fans to give their BCH shares to the club as a gesture of goodwill.

City managing director Jason McGill said: "We were both moved and delighted when we received the share transfer certificate from Mr Fearnley's family.

"Donald Fearnley was a life-long fan who clearly cared deeply about the club and it was his wish that the shares were donated back to York City.

"We thank Dr Fearnley's family and we sincerely hope this act of generosity will encourage other minority shareholders to follow suit as it really is imperative that the club acquires as many shares as possible."

Updated: 10:52 Wednesday, January 12, 2005