TO complement the huge Ferris Wheel, why not put a gigantic mattress inside Clifford's Tower and have a real "bouncy castle?"

Large, multi-coloured plastic chutes on the mound would make great helter-skelter slides. Hook a Duck from the Foss and what about gladiator fights, knife throwing, wrestling - all freely available around midnight when the pubs (used to) throw out?

The Eye of York would make a great circus ring. On the trapeze could be our high flying councillors with views unblocked by anything so cheap as a few trees and grass. So let the fun begin!

Just a moment, who will pay for the fact-finding tours, surveys, launch parties, ringmaster fees, consultants, advertising and staffing? Well don't forget - all circus's have clowns.

As council tax payers we can patch our old clothes, paint a smile on our face and fall off our bikes while our pockets are emptied.

Unless there are any magicians out there to save our city from further humiliation at the hands of the fairground fakers who will take our money then fold up their tents and steal away. We need some strong men to stand against the continued despoliation of what was a graceful city with green spaces and peace to be enjoyed.

M Barker,

Ousecliffe Gardens,


Updated: 12:06 Wednesday, February 09, 2005