IT IS obvious from the letters to your newspaper that the proposal to erect a large wheel in Tower Gardens is not acceptable. According to my count so far 17 are against and only two are for the idea. This letter will make it 18 against.

The site is not only totally inappropriate for such an attraction, it is also inadequate for the reception of so much machinery. The gardens would be trashed.

The people of York have demonstrated in the past that they do not wish to see the uniqueness of York exploited for commercial gain. Remember the collapse of the Coppergate scheme?

Many who visit York have told me of their great affection for the special qualities and interests the city has to offer.

This is why they come back.

Our elected representatives are expected to manage the administration of York and are also expected to care for this special city.

Peggy Mellers,

Norway Drive, York.

Updated: 10:17 Saturday, February 12, 2005