As the song goes: "How many kinds of sweet flowers grow in an English country garden?" I don't know the answer, but I can tell you that there are already more than 65,000 individual plants in phase one of Alnwick Garden, making it one of the largest European plant collections in the UK.

Over the past few years, designers, gardeners and engineers have worked with the Duchess of Northumberland to transform the derelict, 18th century, 12-acre walled garden at Alnwick Castle.

The centerpiece is the Grand Cascade, a tumbling mass of water cascading down a giant staircase and ending in an eruption of fountains. The Ornamental Garden brims with more than 15,000 plants while the Rose Garden, a mix of pergola-lined paths covered in climbing and shrub roses with clematis and honeysuckle, is a feast of colour and scent.

Now here's your chance to see the next phase of Alnwick Garden's remarkable transformation. The latest developments include the world's largest tree house and three new themed gardens. The Serpent Garden is a collection of water sculptures placed around a "serpent" formed from holly, the Poison Garden contains some of the deadliest plants in the world and The Labyrinth is a bamboo maze.

The Tree House, a huge complex of buildings, is linked by suspended high-rise walkways and is accessible to all, which is excellent news for wheelchair users. As well as the Tree House, there is full wheelchair access to the garden, shop, garden caf and toilets.

This trip is organised by Newmarket Promotions Ltd and the price of £89.95 includes return coach travel from the local area, one night's dinner, bed and English breakfast accommodation at the Prestige Hotel, South Shields (or similar), your entrance to Alnwick Castle and Garden and a visit to Durham. Insurance is extra and the single-room supplement is £9. Dates for your diary are May 7, June 18 or September 24.

Everything is coming up roses for Alnwick Garden, but if you are a keen gardener and would like to visit Hampton Court Flower Show, Chelsea Flower Show and Kew Gardens as well, Reader Travel has brochures on them all.

Telephone 01904 567124 to receive your copy of any of the above brochures, pick up a copy from our office in Walmgate, or ring me on 01904 567123 to make a booking.

Updated: 08:46 Saturday, February 12, 2005