FROM your article regarding the Straylands rising bollard situation it would seem that we (the residents of Millfield/Thorpe/ Street/Nunthorpe Avenue) are not the only ones to have suffered the experience of the present council's consultation/voting process.

We have now had three votes to approve residents' parking, the previous two were against. On the third vote a further three streets were included which are not in our immediate area and which suffer chronic parking problems and it now seems that the vote was carried by "a small majority" in favour.

It seems, as reported in your article, that Councillor Reid is quite happy to extend the consultation area when it works in the favour of this administration.

Let's not forget the Lib Dems stated publicly their wish to bring more residents into the ResPark scheme together with the also public statement that ResPark charges were increased to support the shortfall in council tax.

If this is not a vested interest I don't know what is.

Like the residents of Straylands, we have formed an informal group to oppose the ResPark scheme and so far our inquiries have revealed only two residents in favour.

Can I urge readers who are opposed to this scheme to lodge an objection in writing before February 25 to: Rod Jones, acting assistant director, (City Development and Transport), 9 St Leonard's Place, York, YO1 7ET.

Charlie Stone,

Millfield Road,

Scarcroft Road,


Updated: 10:15 Thursday, February 17, 2005