RE Mike Bentley on Dame Ellen Macarthur (Saturday Soundoff, February 12). Wake up, Mike. You seem to be doing down Ellen's great achievement.

OK, so other people managed a great achievement with technology as it was at that time.

As a Yorkshireman, my hero was Captain James Cook. He was at the cutting edge of technology on his three magnificent voyages. His list of firsts is too long to repeat here. He was the last to be bestowed the right to bear arms for personal service to the sovereign.

His motto was "Leave nothing unattempted". Ellen has done no less. She has sailed a vessel around the world in record time on her own. She dealt with generator problems, which provided her daily supply of fresh drinking water. She dealt with mast problems on the boat. She beat the French!

Do not do down her magnificent achievement. She deserves the admiration of the people of England and some recognition.

Chris Neumann,

The Rowans,

Holme Upon Spalding Moor.

Updated: 10:11 Thursday, February 17, 2005