COUN Potter has attacked my fellow councillor Jonathan Morley for doing his best to carry out his mandate (Letters, February 14).

She insinuates that he has mislead the Evening Press, undermined the planning system, brought the council into disrepute and left himself open to accusations of impropriety.

I know Jonathan Morley well and I find that he has the utmost respect for the democratic process and council procedure.

For the past few years Coun Morley has deliberately opted not to express an opinion on the Derwenthorpe issue at the ward committee in order that he would be able to carry out his duties as councillor for Osbaldwick.

I have never known him to express a public opinion on this issue and I was astonished to hear that Labour had protested - thereby forcing a dignified man from the committee.

The performance of the Labour group (and most noticeably Ms Potter) made sure that he would find it difficult to represent his ward.

Coun Potter should realise how she has undermined the democratic process. I would appreciate it if in future Coun Potter could show a semblance of Coun Morley's respect for duty.

Coun Martin Lancelott,

Hazel Garth,


Updated: 11:03 Friday, February 18, 2005