AN open letter to council leader Steve Galloway.

Firstly my congratulations, I'm glad to hear that progress is to be made removing double yellow lines in the city centre.

However, until changes are actually made on the ground the damage to the businesses affected remains.

In this context the proposal to do the work in two phases seems unfortunate.

No doubt you will insist that this is an imperative for a cash-strapped city council. My concern, however, relates to the choice of which streets to do first.

The Evening Press included some blunt comments from the businesses affected (March 10), but I want to make clear that the York Hospitality Association shares the concerns of these members.

Previously, there was a dialogue between the council and association on the parking issue.

On this occasion, however, the phased introduction of the new meters was not mentioned to us.

The obvious question is, why have two of the streets (Goodramgate and Fossgate) with the most evening businesses been left to the end?

Michael Hjort,

York Hospitality Association,

Scarcroft Road,


Updated: 11:26 Monday, March 14, 2005