I WAS interested to read your feature on concerns about eyesore buildings and the need for quality design ("Grey And Ugly...", March 7). This is an important issue, and one close to the hearts of many York residents.

But the response from the council appeared to be rather lukewarm on the chances for improving the quality of design in York. Sadly this does not surprise me.

The Liberal Democrats have recently cut the design and conservation budget, deleting the post of urban design officer which was introduced by Labour specifically to address this issue.

We need someone working to encourage better design in York, or we will continue to see mediocre blocks of characterless building springing up across the city. The council will now have no expert to challenge developers.

No one would argue with the case for better, higher quality designs for our city, but actions speak louder than words.

With this budget cut the Lib Dems have made it even harder to ensure new developments are attractive and sensitive to the character of our city.

Coun Tracey Simpson-Laing,

Labour spokesperson for planning and transport,

Salisbury Road,

Leeman Road, York.

Updated: 11:23 Monday, March 14, 2005