IT IS not my wish to query the Chancellor's powerful intellect and I know his grasp of detail is acknowledged far and wide. Nevertheless I do feel that Mr Brown must take some of the blame for the confusion over the pensioners £200 council tax rebate for this current year.

The harassed council staff at York (Evening Press, March 18) deserve an apology from the Chancellor (and his speech writers). In my innocence I expected to receive (in due course) an amended council tax statement/demand from Selby District Council. I know that Mr Brown was lauded and cheered in the Commons on budget day as if he had invented Utopia himself.

Some of us oldies however were hoping for a council tax rebate for the current year not an "enhanced" winter fuel payment.

We feel we have been misled, even deceived.

Ida Mary Goodrick,

Woodlands Avenue, Tadcaster.

Updated: 11:25 Wednesday, March 23, 2005