BUCKLE up tight. This new record from the camera-shy heroes of the dance floor is a heady ride.

It's been four years since Daft Punk released Discovery, an album that rocked a zillion bedrooms with the hit One More Time. Now they are back with 45 minutes of tightly-packed beats, take-no-prisoners techno and power-tool repetition. Created in a brain-busting three months, this is not a delicate album of soulful melodies. It is a full-on aural assault, best captured in the exhilarating title track and the first single, Robot Rock. Later on, Make Love and Emotion change the pace, but behind the touchy-feely titles a mechanical heart of wire and metal beats on. It could be used as a pacemaker, but only for the terminally hyperactive.

Updated: 08:48 Thursday, March 24, 2005