IT IS wonderful to think there are so many caring people in and around our lovely city.

Like them, I agree it will be a terrible mistake to extend the University of York.

If the equivalent of 60 football fields will eliminate farmland, what will happen to all the wild animals, the chance to walk with children and dogs and all the grazing horses?

Trees and hedges will disappear. There will be noise, dirt, lorries, traffic pollution, extra bins to empty, which will also push up council tax.

There will be so much concrete, rain will have no ground to soak into and create mud areas everywhere.

There will be miles of underground and overhead pipes and cables.

Think of the powercuts, water shortages and accidents.

Because it will take ten years to complete, everything will be out of date, including technology.

The people pressing for all this will have moved on and left York, leaving all the problems with the citizens.

Oh, I forgot to mention, where are all the extra doctors, nurses and dentists coming from when they are needed to deal with an extra 5,000 plus people?

Mrs G Evans,

Newland Park Drive, York.

Updated: 09:48 Tuesday, April 05, 2005