IN response to the letter "A safer Europe" I do not believe a move from our law, which requires proof of guilt, to Napoleonic Corpus Juris, is a safe move.

Losing self-government to a distant, unelected set backed by the supremacy of EU law is foolish.

Regaining our fishing industry and rejecting some damaging laws depends upon majority voting in Brussels. Some hope?

Already, tough measures have been taken against people speaking about unacceptable aspects of the EU, not just about the rampant fraud and corruption. The inevitable loss of our seat on the Security Council at the UN, the undermining of NATO, anti-American noises from "old Europe" and the prospect of a combined army are all dangerous.

Thousands of laws from Brussels have adversely affected UK interests, from postal services to taxation. Only a handful were ever mentioned at Westminster. Some may agree there is another danger when people realise what has been sacrificed across the board from aspects of freedom to the billions of pounds which could have benefited our elderly and our NHS.

Regionalisation policy has everything to do with the EU. The Committee of the Regions in Brussels is planned to have the power of direct control over local Government.

Ian Oglesby,

School Lane,

Copmanthorpe, York.

Updated: 10:40 Thursday, April 14, 2005