AS a trade unionist and ex-Labour voter, I agree with parts of Christopher Leeman's letter (April 11). In particular, the poor state of pensions and continuing privatisation and understaffing in health and education are disgraceful for a so-called Labour Government.

But what a shame he lapsed into immigrant-bashing rhetoric. Most immigrants work and pay tax, they don't want to live on handouts. Only those whose asylum claims are being processed don't work - because they aren't allowed to, a daft law that should be repealed.

As for the supposed "burden", we in the public sector unions know how many of our public services, in particular the NHS, depend on migrant workers and would collapse without them. Far from a burden, they are the backbone, our colleagues and friends.

Finding scapegoats lets politicians off the hook. No asylum seeker ever privatised a hospital, froze a pension or shut a factory. We have Tory and New Labour governments to thank for that.

Ben Drake,

Danum Road,

Fulford, York.

Updated: 10:40 Thursday, April 14, 2005