It was good to see the Press conducting another investigation into the failure of companies to comply with the provisions of the 1995 Disability Discrimination Act, but somewhat disappointing to find that the emphasis was once again on access and not the facilities provided.

Those like myself who have undergone colostomy, ileostomy or other similar procedures require, as a matter of daily routine, amenities appropriate to our needs. These needs are simple, inexpensive, and easily installed, but those who should provide them seem to find the subject embarrassing and would prefer to let the matter rest unmentioned.

The excuses given by the firms visited were lamentable to say the least and none should be acceptable to anyone with common sense and the will to get things done. Nor are any of these excuses valid for lack of amenities inside existing "disabled toilets".

Responsibility for reporting cases of non-compliance to the Disability Rights Commission should not rest with individuals. Instances of non-compliance should be reportable to the city council which is far more able to conduct proper investigations and to take matters further.

I hope this campaign does not flounder for lack of interest. If enough people lean on the authorities and boycott those companies who just do not care, we can get things done.

Bob Jones,

Albion Avenue, York.

Updated: 10:14 Monday, May 02, 2005