THE provision of access to shops for wheelchair customers need not be an expensive undertaking.

I own a music shop with two steps to the front door. For less than £250 I bought a portable ramp to allow access for wheelchair users. I shared the cost with my hairdresser neighbour who also benefits from it. It has had the additional benefit of making access for pushchair users a lot easier.

The ramp was in place before the Disability Discrimination Act came into force in October 2004. I was aware of the legislation for at least 12 months before that.

If I and numerous other small businesses can act on this legislation surely the big high street names should have been leading the way in adapting entrances.

Ignorance is no excuse.

Paul Cunniff,

Acomb Music,

Front Street,

Acomb, York.

Updated: 10:14 Monday, May 02, 2005