AT last, a voice of sense and reason from somebody who knows what they are talking about. I refer to David Hart's condemnation of irresponsible parents and their impact on school discipline and inability to teach their children basic social standards.

These dysfunctional types are probably themselves products of parents who were equally useless at bringing up the next generation, particularly mothers, because they have the most influence on children.

In my view, single mothers are most responsible for the great decline in children's behaviour, the rise in vandalism and every form of social problem.

I am not saying for a moment that every woman who is left to bring up a child on her own is incapable. However, I would like to see statistics of how many of the worst types of youngsters have single mothers or do not know their natural fathers, let alone have their influence on their daily lives.

Young women are encouraged to breed children with no thought or intention as to their well-being and upbringing, with the knowledge that however badly they behave the State will step in and take over.

I would give my vote to any government which found a way to reward couples who marry and stay married because their families would reflect the security, care and sense of old-fashioned decency that they would receive from these parents.

Teachers could get on with teaching; police could concentrate on problems other than those caused by the children of dysfunctional parents and the whole of society would benefit.

Heather Causnett,

Escrick Park Gardens,

Escrick, York.

Updated: 09:38 Wednesday, May 04, 2005