WHENEVER my butler screams melodramatically in bed: "You've caught my legs again with your wretched toe nails," I know the nails are about ready for clipping.

Since buying the new bed, my butler has got above himself. Sometimes I am even forced (shock horror) to make our early morning drinks, to prevent dehydration, while he snoozes on in comfort. I struggle with a mug and funnel to get his pint (of Yorkshire tea) into a flask.

I'm hoping Mike Bentley's application for a post with Torvic ("Toe Nail Clipping in the Community", Saturday Soundoff, Life & Times, April 30) is turned down.

Heaven help any poor souls unfortunate enough to have their feet savaged by Mr B.

Margaret Lawson,

Aldborough House,

The Groves,


Updated: 10:47 Thursday, May 05, 2005