WE are a family of four including two teenage children. We already recycle all of our glass, cans, plastic bottles and garden rubbish, yet we still fill our wheelie bin every week. What more can we recycle?

There's not much food waste because we have a dog that eats any leftovers. Most of the wheelie bin is filled with cardboard and plastic food packaging.

Before imposing a fortnightly rubbish collection the council should survey a number of typical households to see how they could adhere to the one-wheelie-bin-a-fortnight limit. I should happily sort out recyclable waste if the council will collect it. Even if it's not collected I would take it to a recycling centre, which is what I now do with plastic bottles and garden waste.

K Penver,

Highthorn Road,

Huntington, York.

Updated: 10:26 Friday, May 13, 2005