GOLDEN oldies are gearing up for York's first over-50s festival.

Forget Glastonbury, Edinburgh and Woodstock, mature residents will get the chance to witness belly-dancers, poetry performances, yoga, world music and innovative theatre during an arts extravaganza in the city.

For more sedate festival-goers, model boats, knitting and rug displays are also on the agenda at the all-singing, all-dancing event.

Sue Lister, the brains behind the plan, declared it was time to shake off negative images and celebrate what older people in York get up to.

She told the Evening Press: "When was the last time you saw older people celebrated in York?

"If they are invisible, or not particularly visible, isn't it time we put them centre stage?

"Isn't it time to alter the stereotype of elderly wallflowers sitting round the walls of nursing homes, into an image of people who have honed their skills for many years and are now happily expressing their talent in a multitude of ways?

The 60-year-old said there were plenty of older people writing, being creative and generally helping others - and said the 50-plus festival would be the way to do it.

Major venues are lining up to feature in the autumn festival, with the Grand Opera House looking for a show and the City Screen hunting for suitable films.

The Theatre Royal will be offering tea and backstage tours during the week - and concessions for International Older People's Day, on October 1.

Other highlights include a Model Boat Society open day at Rowntree Park, sharing the turf with the Model Engines Society.

The RSVP (Retired and Senior Volunteer Programme) is considering a "knit in" to celebrate the growing popularity of the relaxing tradition. The Resource Group for Deafened People plan to demonstrate how hearing appliances can make daily living easier.

Sue called for ideas from sporting groups and community centres who might want to attract new members on the back of the festival.

And she said the city's business community should take the opportunity to make their mark at the 50-plus festivities. Any group wanting to perform at the festival, which will run between September 24 to October 2, should phone Sue on 01904 488870.

Meanwhile, the festival will be discussed at an open meeting of the York Older People's Assembly at the Central Methodist Church, St Saviourgate, at 2pm on Monday. A home improvement service is also on the agenda.

Updated: 10:45 Friday, May 20, 2005