I am not at all surprised City of York Council approved plans for the development of Germany Beck (Germany calling, May 30).

It is typical of the soulless politics of "being competitive" that has so dominated the government of Tony Blair and notably that of Margaret Thatcher before him.

The new housing at Germany Beck will undoubtedly make some builder a tidy little profit.

It may also facilitate the approval of plans for the Heslington East University expansion. Apparently everyone is a winner.

But not so.

Who will the council turn to when, not if, Germany Beck floods and the poor, deluded fools who have bought 'luxury' houses on the site finally discover that "flood plain" really means something and want to sue someone for their distress?

Will the council just pay up out of our pockets i.e. through the council tax?

Or will they suggest suing the builders?

Or will they have a go at the Environment Agency for not being able to turn back the waters like latter-day King Canutes?

If the 2000 floods repeat, City of York Council will potentially have one heck of a bill to pay, especially if the flood waters back up through Naburn sewage works. I hope they're saving up for it, just in case.

Richard Greaves,

Morehall Close,


Updated: 09:20 Friday, June 03, 2005