YES, the UK has major road congestion problems, but I do not think the Government's latest idea of charge-per-mile is a realistic solution including:

This scheme is unlikely to work for a number of reasons.

It is immensely unpopular.

The cost of installing the technology.

The likely unreliability of the equipment, computers and staff. Look at the passport fiasco and the Child Support Agency payments programme - both chaotic.

The clever technically-minded crooks who will get false data and fraudulent results. The cost will put many companies out of business.

Traffic will take to minor narrower roads causing even worse congestion and gridlock. It offers no incentive to smaller more economical vehicles.

How will we charge all the foreign based vehicles using our roads? Congestion in many towns and cities is far worse than on the main motorways.

We have no good decent integrated public transport system to offer as an alternative to the car, lorry and white van driver.

Very little consultation has taken place with all relevant agencies by our Government, who have held this idea back until after the General Election.

Transport secretary Alistair Darling needs to spend 12 months visiting Germany, Austria and Switzerland to learn how to run a national transport network.

David Quarrie,

Lynden Way, York.

Updated: 11:06 Monday, June 13, 2005