ALTHOUGH the council is providing 60,000 York households with a means of disposing of greenwaste without it going to landfill, they are also supporting an initiative to get more people home-composting.

Together with Friends of St Nicholas Fields, they have set up York Rotters, a free advisory service which aims to encourage York citizens to compost green waste.

This will run in tandem with the green bin campaign to try to significantly increase York's recycling of waste. Although the green bin scheme is a great idea for reducing landfill, it is even better for the environment if people home-composted because there are no transport costs associated with disposing of their waste, or buying finished compost for their gardens.

For free advice on composting, choosing/making a bin, or obtaining discounted bins, give me a call on (01904) 411821 and I can put you in contact with your local rotter.

Keely Mellor,

Friends of St Nicholas Fields,

York Environmental Community Centre,

Bull Lane, York.

Updated: 10:55 Monday, June 13, 2005