I APPLAUD the city council for its support of Real Nappy Week (June 22), and wish them every success.

However, I should like to reassure parents-to-be contrary to the wording in your article, "real" nappies are no longer "old fashioned".

Off-putting images of folding Terry squares, using pins and soaking nappies are out of date.

Today's cloth nappies are shaped like a disposable but made of soft cotton and fasten with velcro or poppers.

Biodegradable paper liners can be used to dispose of the solid waste and the nappies are easily cleaned with the normal family wash at 40 degrees.

They can even be re-used for younger siblings.

I have brought up my two children with cloth nappies and saved a fortune.

But I do think the council should widen its focus and put pressure on the city's large retailers to stock a choice of nappies in the first place.

If people didn't have to search the internet or drive to specialist shops many more children and parents could be enjoying the benefits of "real" nappies.

Is it any wonder people think they have no choice when they enter a baby store or supermarket and are confronted by shelves of nothing but disposables?

So how about rising to the challenge, York council? Parents are getting the environmental message - your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to convince big businesses.

Alison Morgan,

Bransholme Drive,

Clifton Moor,


Updated: 10:53 Saturday, June 25, 2005