Is every day a bad hair day? Then give your locks some TLC with York's first spa treatment for hair. MAXINE GORDON lets her hair down.

IF you're feeling frazzled and wiped-out, chances are your hair will be stressed-out too.

Just as your body can feel renewed after a spot of pampering, your depressed locks can bounce back to life with some loving attention.

That is why York salon Aura, in Castlegate, has introduced a novel hair spa treatment for clients.

The exclusive treatment uses products and methods from top trichologist (that's hair doctor to you and me) Philip Kingsley, who has specialised in treating hair and scalp problems for 50 years.

Jane Davies, Aura style director, said the key to vibrant-looking hair is having a clean and healthy scalp. "If your scalp isn't clean, the blood supply to the hair follicles probably isn't as strong as it should be," said Jane.

While everyone can benefit from the treatment, people with dry, flaky scalp conditions will reap the most reward, she added.

When I arrived for my appointment, Jane made me a caff latt before giving my mane its MOT.

She said my scalp was a bit dry and red in places, but that my hair had plenty of elasticity in it.

She said the spa treatment, which involved massaging a menthol cleansing cream into the scalp, then adding a special moisturising conditioner called Elasticizer to my hair, would leave it feeling super clean, shiny and voluminous.

What more could a girl wish for? (Or bloke - men have the spa treatment too).

Jane warned me the scalp mask might tingle, but said that was good. "It's getting to work," she said.

Once the mask and the Elasticizer were applied, Jane then carried out a firm massage to my head. I shut my eyes and allowed the tensions to ease away.

Next, she wrapped my hair in a plastic net and placed the salon steamer over my head - somewhat like a giant hairdryer - which helps the scalp and moisturising treatments get to work.

After ten minutes, she washed and conditioned my hair, gave my head a final massage to improve circulation then finished with a blow dry.

When I arrived at the salon, my hair felt dry and frizzy at the ends and my scalp tight. An hour later, my scalp felt relaxed and clean, and my hair shiny and bouncy and silky smooth.

The spa package costs £25 (a blow dry is a tenner extra) and can be carried out in less than 60 minutes. On Friday, June 9, Aura will be hosting a Philip Kingsley Spa Treatment Day, when clients will receive a complimentary blow-dry.

Aura is the only salon in York which stocks Philip Kingsley products and the only salon to offer clients a hotline to trichology experts.

Jane, who undergoes regular training at the Philip Kingsley Academy, in London, said: "We can get advice over the phone or arrange appointments for our customers to visit trichologists in London or Newcastle, for problems such as hair loss, dandruff, dermatitis or psoriasis of the scalp."

For more information contact Aura, 28 Castlegate, York. Tel: 01904 641010