When the Britannia was the village watering hole in Heworth village, in the 40s and 50s, and Eva was landlady, helped by her son Bill, we and our friends were regular drinkers.

She used to put one piece of coal at a time on the back snug fire and somebody would add another while she was away.

She took it off when she returned with drinks and sought out the culprit.

We now use The Walnut, the replacement across the road, where the Sensible Party sit in Parliament at the cabinet table, just inside the front lounge and presided over by the village elders.

We drink there Wednesdays with our best man (of 1950 at Heworth Church) and his wife, Marjory and Roy.

Sylvia was Burnholme raised and Roy and I were Fifth Avenue dragged up. I married above myself but not for money.

PS The gnomes are not really the Sensible Party.

I snapped them at Deans Nursery and thought about them after dining at the Walnut on Sunday and seeing the Wednesday elders there.

I thought they must still be there from Wednesday.

Updated: 14:55 Wednesday, January 11, 2006