What a great success this years St Nicholas Fayre has been.

More stalls over a larger area, more visitors and the constant sound of money changing hands accompanied by the sound of car horns & bus horns as they tried to get down Coppergate.

The road between the pelican crossing in Coppergate & Parliament Street was just solid with pedestrians, it's surprising no one was injured.

Next year why not close Coppergate to traffic for the Saturday & Sunday.

OK the bus companies & taxi companies will complain but they managed for two weeks without using Gillygate and it would probably be quicker for them to 'go round' anyway.

What about having the fair go on into the evening, say finish at 8.00 pm. This would allow more people who work to visit.

The stalls, shops & restaurants would all benefit.

Come on what do you think??

Updated: 14:46 Thursday, December 01, 2005