A HAXBY couple are today celebrating their golden wedding.

Neil and Cynthia Moore, of Acacia Grove, first met in 1954 when both worked in the NAAFI in Museum Street.

At the time Cynthia was a 15-year-old postgirl while Neil was 17 and working in the claims office.

Six years later the couple married in the register office next door and moved into a home in Micklegate, honeymooning in London. Neil, 72, worked as a computer analyst at Rowntree, while Cynthia did odd jobs and worked with children.

They have a son, Andrew, and Neil still works voluntarily as a GMB trade union rep while Cynthia is an artist.

The couple will celebrate the anniversary at Wilberfoss tonight with family and friends.

Asked the secret of a long, happy marriage, Cynthia, 70, said: “Keeping busy, having lots of interests and going on lots of holidays.”

John and Patricia Williamson's half-century THIS golden couple are celebrating 50 years of marriage today.

John and Patricia Williamson, of Garths End, Huntington, will mark their golden wedding with their three daughters, Belinda, Melanie and Vanessa, and six grandchildren, at their local pub, the Blacksmith’s Arms.

John, 71, and Patricia, 73, were both born in York and first met at John’s sister’s staff dance, when he was working at a Hull Road printers and she was working as a secretary in the nearby motorcycle shop.

John said: “We have always been together since then.”

When asked the secret to a long and happy marriage, Mr Williamson, said: “I’ve got an excellent wife. She has been my constant carer since I went into a wheelchair.”