I refer to the letter from Robert Nash (Sporting disgrace, February 19). I find no difficulty whatsoever that the city council should provide good quality modern offices for its staff, which will also benefit the residents of the city of York.

I do, however, find it difficult to swallow the idea that the city council should be expected to fund a new sports stadium (estimated to cost between £9 million and £32 million) for the benefit of a very tiny minority of city residents.

I noted recently that a City Knights home game had attracted 971 spectators. York City FC seems to attract around 2,000 visitors, and clearly a number of those are from outside the city boundary. Mr Nash himself lives in Hambleton district, yet expects City of York Council to fund his sporting passions.

It seems to me the city council could far better spend £9 million-plus to help numerous amateur sports clubs in the city which struggle to upgrade their facilities. One need only look at York Cricket and Rugby Club, which has had to raise a significant amount of money (without council help) to provide a new clubhouse and changing room facilities. As a club it provides recreational facilities for a far greater number of persons than the 971 who recently watched York City Knights.

I have to say I am not a resident of the city.

Ian Reynolds, Colliergate, York.